AMx and decarbonization: Funding the energy transition

Note: This is the fifth and final part of Copper’s blog series about how an AMx framework can help energy utilities accelerate decarbonization.   Transitioning to a net-zero or carbon-free energy system will be complex and expensive for electric and gas utilities, requiring significant upfront capital investments, expanded research and development initiatives, and rapid growth…

AMx and decarbonization: Load flexibility

Note: This is the third part of Copper’s blog series about how an AMx framework can help energy utilities accelerate decarbonization.   As the electric grid shifts to more intermittent renewable generation amidst rapid load growth (due both to AI-driven loads and to growing electrification efforts), and as the gas system sees emerging demand and…

AMx and decarbonization: System-wide planning

Note: This is the second part of Copper’s blog series about how an AMx framework can help energy utilities accelerate decarbonization.   For electric and gas utilities currently exploring territory-wide decarbonization pathways, there’s a clear and urgent need for better consumption data. Not only can better data help more precisely inform potential grid impacts associated…

How AMx can accelerate energy decarbonization: A blog series from Copper Labs

Decarbonization requires new, data-driven ways of thinking about the evolution of the electric and gas grids, customer engagement and education, utility incentive programs, and load flexibility. By unlocking higher-resolution, apples-to-apples consumption data from a wide range of existing meters—both gas and electric—and enabling a more flexible approach to new infrastructure investments, an AMx framework is…

Exploring the emerging value of gas load flexibility

At Copper, we unlock better data from electric, gas, and water meters, and use that to help utilities better engage with their customers in a variety of different ways. One particular area of growing focus is natural gas load flexibility, and we recently wrote a forward-looking paper in collaboration with Robbie Johnson, a lead analyst…

Asking the right questions about new meter investments

Many utilities view smart meters as an essential investment that can streamline operations and allow them to access the kind of data that’s increasingly essential to meet a diverse array of needs, from customer experience to outage management and decarbonization planning. But they’re only partly correct. While granular, timely meter data is indeed essential, smart…

Proprietary networks are holding smart meters back. It’s time for a change.

There’s a dirty secret in the utility metering world: most smart meter communications networks are single-use, expensive, and proprietary. This outdated networking approach is leading to vendor lock-in for utilities that reduces choice and cost-effectiveness, and to reduced meter functionality through unnecessarily slow data transfer speeds. The good news is that a modern AMx strategy…